You have the ability to translate each text of your template of two manner
You can use the document locale variable and a conditional block.
{% if document.locale == 'en' %} <p>Please find below the details of your invoice.</p> <p>Please pay the amount of {{ document.total_with_vat }} by {{ document.due_date }}.</p> {% elsif document.locale == 'fr' %} <p>Veuillez trouver ci-dessous le détail de votre facture.</p> <p>Veuillez payer le montant de {{ document.total_with_vat }} avant le {{ document.due_date }}.</p> {% endif %}
You can use our build in helper
{% translate fr: "Facture", en: "Invoice" %}
{% t fr: "Facture", en: "Invoice" %}
We recommand to use the conditionnal block if you have multiple lines to translate and the translate helper for one line translations.